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  • How do you handle allergies at school?
    Families are expected to notify the school of all food and environmental allergies. An allergy list is posted in all classrooms, the kitchen and the office.
  • What if my child needs medication while at school?
    We will administer medication to children with a written prescription from the doctor that identifies the medication and the proper dosage. The parent will be required to sign an Authorization for Medication Form. The medication will be kept in a locked cabinet (or refrigerator if needed). We will administer the medicine and keep a log of the time, date and dosage administered.
  • What time should my child arrive to school?
    We expect all children to arrive by 9:00am. The teachers have a Daily Schedule to follow and a lot of planning goes into your child’s day. Arriving after 9:00am disrupts the schedule and the children.
  • Do you have a dress code for the children?
    No, we believe children should be able to wear what they like during the preschool years. We do require sneakers and/or shoes and socks. Our playground has mulch and can get into other types of shoes.
  • Can my child bring toys to school from home?
    No, the teachers work hard to prepare and implement an educational curriculum for the children. Special items from home are often acceptable on Fridays for Show and Tell. Each classroom will send home information regarding if or when Show and Tell days will be.
  • Do you provide lunch, snacks and/or drinks?
    While we have snacks for emergency purposes we expect parents to providing all foods for their children while at school. This usually includes morning and afternoon snack as well as lunch.
  • Can parents volunteer to come into their child's classroom?
    Yes, we welcome parent participation. We have an open door policy at the Bluffs School.
  • How many days are you closed during the year?
    We observe the major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. It is usually 9 days per year.
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